The Enterprising Beginning.....

Welcome to the Waste not, Want knot project. The goal is to turn textile waste into desirable objects that people want. Its a combination of all those things our grandparents told us; waste not, want not, combined with modern day landfill avoidance, reduce, reuse, recycle, and a need to liberate a great collection of fabrics and trims amassed over a few years from the back of my wardrobe, under my bed, in the roof space etc.... I have a design degree and an addiction to textile arts and crafts, lets see where it leads....

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Here are some of my latest Owl Babies- Morepork Butler doorstops. Over the last week I have put together a new flock of them in preparation for the next Craft show. They look very cosy cuddled up together in my giant basket. I have tried a few different colour combinations, and its great to see the upholstery fabric book pages pile getting smaller and smaller. I have started to run out of the huge buttons I use for the eyes so I'm having to think up new ways to do their eyes while I look for usable buttons!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth,

    Nice meet your blog. This owls is beautiful... I do and love craft.

